Voices of Inspiration: Our Community's Journey
"The acuity and authenticity of Swamiji’s words have radiated truth, and allowed for insight to develop in every aspect of my life."

"You are the light of our hearts, the song of our spirit, the mystic of our soul, the grace and joy of the beloved. I am so grateful for the blessing of you."

"What a blessing your presence, teachings and tireless dedication are to the world! I am grateful to have encountered your presence in this lifetime."

"Swamiji’s books on the timeless Indian Mystic wisdom of yoga, and Vedanta philosophy are accessible to all interested in the paths to self improvement and spiritual enlightenment. His lectures, filled with lofty wisdom, and mixed with humor, instill a undeniable sense of inspiration, by expressing the teachings in a manner that allows one to realize the higher spiritual purpose of one's own life."

"Humanity owes you an unpayable debt of eternal gratitude for
your life’s work of serving to lift countless souls like us from the turbulent whirlpools of life and be a guiding light to devotees across the globe."

"Swamiji sponsored the first graduate, self study internship and Vedic pyschology and mindfulness for military providers. As a specialist in resiliency and thriving, I have found this advanced, positive psychological training, indispensable for me to both manage compassion, fatigue, and cross train combat soldiers and their families. He and his foundation are genuine treasures in my life."